Admission to Leo’s Nursery is subject to an application being made and places being available.
There are 26 morning places in the Nursery and 26 afternoon places, with each session lasting 3 hours. These will be allocated according to the criteria below and not whether the applicant requires a 15 or 30 hours place.
We offer three different models for the allocation of these places subject to availability.
The models we offer are:-
- Full Day Place, AM & PM Session (30 Hours) 8.40 AM – 3.20 PM
- AM Sessions 5 mornings a week (15 Hours) 8.40 AM – 11.40 AM
- PM Sessions 5 afternoons a week (15 Hours) 12.20 PM – 3.20 PM
Specific numbers for each type of place will be decided, depending on demand, and will be at the Governor Childcare Committee’s discretion.
Where a family does NOT qualify for 30 hours per week of free early years education but expresses an interest in and takes up the offer of the 30 hours, they will be liable for the cost of 15 hours childcare per week to be charged at the published rate determined by the Governor Childcare Committee.
Please note Nursery education is a non-statutory provision and there is therefore no right of appeal against the admission authority’s decision.
Where the Nursery is oversubscribed, it will maintain a waiting list in criteria order.
The needs of the child are our priority. The final decision on the number of hours a child is able to attend and his or her pattern of attendance, rests with the Headteacher.
Whilst we will endeavour to accommodate parents’ requested preferences, (i.e. am or pm, 15 hrs or 30 hrs), this may not always be possible.
We usually have 3 admissions during the year: September, January and April.
Leo's Nursery Information Flyer
Please contact the School Office on 01785 334960 for further information.
Working parents with a 3 and 4-year-old may be entitled to 30 hours of funded childcare.
Apply at