Lunch money is paid via 'ParentPay', our online payment system.
School dinners are provided by Chartwells, who are an independent provider. A good variety of choices are available each day including hot meals such as: roast dinner or stir-fry and cold dinner options such as: a choice of sandwiches. There is also the use of a salad bar available daily which includes a range of salads and bread for the children if they wish to add this to their dinner.
A hot meal is provided free of charge to all Early Years and Key Stage One children. Dinners cost £2.83 per day to all other children.
Your child may be entitled to free school meals if parents are in receipt of certain benefits, such as Income Support. Further information is available online at:
Dinners can be ordered a week in advance using a link to a dinner survey. Here, all dinner choices will be provided and you can choose what is most suitable for your child each day.