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‘Where everyone is valued and together, we seek excellence.’


At St Leonard’s Primary School, our curriculum design gives children memorable learning experiences to enable a range of skills and knowledge that continually develop. Our curriculum allows children opportunities to explore the breadth of the National Curriculum. It reflects the locality, the world beyond and the challenges faced by young people in 21st Century Great Britain. There is a culture of high expectation in terms of attendance, effort, behaviour and engagement from all stakeholders.


In Years 1 to 6, we use ‘Cornerstones Curriculum,’ which is delivered through termly topics to engage and motivate children whilst following their natural curiosity. Cornerstones provides a coherent, progressive framework to ensure children are taught the relevant skills at the appropriate time.


Through our curriculum, children have opportunities to work creatively, developing new and varied skills. Clear links are made between learning through cross-curricular opportunities with Mathematics and English, ensuring our basic skills are consistently promoted and demonstrated. Children understand the purpose of their learning in relation to their topics and the wider world. There is a consistent balance of challenge and enjoyment within each topic.


In terms of wellbeing, our aim is that our curriculum enables children opportunities to develop their own confidence and self-esteem to learn in a positive environment. We encourage children to be reflective and learn how to respect one another whilst providing opportunities for collaborative work to build friendships.


Each topic begins with a ‘Memorable Learning Experience’, which is the ‘hook’ to engage and motivate the children in their new topic. Through their topic, children are given enriching and immersive opportunities to learn both in and outside of the classroom. Parental involvement is important to us and through sharing topics with information letters and inviting parents to curriculum events and workshops, opportunities are developed for collaborative learning.


We firmly believe that these skills and knowledge will enhance children’s enjoyment of learning, establish strong and positive relationships with their peers, develop positive views of themselves and others and promote our school values for all of our children.