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At. St. Leonard's Primary School, our curriculum is fully inclusive, diverse, aspirational and exciting; it promotes a love of learning and ignites curiosity in each individual. Our curriculum is based on develop knowledge and skills in conjunction with one another. We ensure that children's knowledge develops and progresses through their primary years as well as developing and embedding their skills within these subjects and revisiting these skills so they can be further embedded and applied. 

We follow the National Curriculum framework for KS1 and KS2 and the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation in conjunction with our Early Years Curriculum which has been written by our Early Years Lead. Children are taught objectives from the National Curriculum through exciting and inspirational learning experiences ensuring that each individual in our setting becomes a life-long learner. Underpinning each framework are our curriculum overviews for each subject, which detail what is being taught in each subject for each year group. 

Maths and English are core subjects of the National Curriculum and are taught daily in each year group alongside reading. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and is embedded in every subject that we teach in some capacity. Challenging, engaging and stimulating texts are a driver to develop children's reading and comprehension skills and passion for the subject of reading. Further information about these core subjects can be found in our English and Maths subheadings. 

Our teaching of Topic is bespoke to our school and is based on our exploration of an enquiry questions, for example: is life always fair? The purpose of this enquiry is so our pupils can explore the 'big' questions in life and put these into a context that they understand. Alongside these questions, we investigate a range of key concepts which differ in each topic focus, such as: fairness, equality, love, friendship and oppression. By focusing on these concepts, children can explore the meaning of these powerful words and what that means to them in the world they are living in - we are making their learning real and relatable. From here, each year group focuses on a history or geography based topic and how the 'big' question is illustrated within these history and geography foci. Each year group develops a topic overview for that particular topic which outlines the National Curriculum objectives that are taught and any cross-curricular links with other subjects. 

Foundation Subjects, Science, Art, Design and Technology, Computing, Music, MFL, RE, PSHE, and PE, are taught in either an isolated instance or through a cross-curricular approach. Skills progression documents for each of these foundation subjects map out the knowledge and skills that children will obtain as they progress through their primary years. The progression of skills identifies what skills are taught and re-taught to further embed children's understanding and provide them further opportunity for application. Teachers plan coherent lesson sequences, where children are immersed into the curriculum objectives through inspiring and engaging lesson opportunities. 

Across our curriculum, relevant and purposeful links are made to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, British Values and UNICEF rights. Children have a depth of understanding about these areas of the curriculum as they are interwoven in all teaching and learning.